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Before officially became a member of the CIA, Evelyn Salt (Angelina Jolie) has vowed to always be faithful to duty, honor and country and was later sworn into the statement when news emerged that Evelyn is actually a double agent. Stuck a conspiracy, there was no choice other than to fend for themselves for Evelyn to clear his good name.

Salt alarming news that Evelyn was a Russian spy came when a defector who entered the United disclose some evidence that points to Evelyn. Because the path was not officially allowed anymore so the only way is to run away. Evelyn should be able to prove that the allegations were not true.

This personal task is not easy having to look for evidence that could clear his name, Evelyn also has to protect his family from the threat of the parties who did not want their secrets revealed.Only one who can save Evelyn this time, the experience he can for education and served as a CIA agent. Evelyn must be quick because his fellow CIA agents are also being hunted Evelyn.